How can learning be made more engaging for students?

How can learning be made more engaging for students?

How can learning be made more engaging for students?



Learning is an ongoing, lifelong process. Let us consider how we react when information is received: sensing or observing and then processing that information using our previous encounter with a similar occasion. Usually, we tend to categorise the information received and move on with our lives. If it affects us more personally, we make further analysis, this time more involved and voluntary. 

Sometimes, we come across observations that are new to us and may seek help from others; Humans are curious beings. Let us call this passive learning, considering that there is no pressure on us from outside to this process.

However, systematic learning puts pressure on us to set targets and topics to be learned. Does this kind of learning diminish the fun of casual learning we discussed earlier?


Sense of achievement

In conventional education, students receive guidelines as applicable to various fields of education. In this scenario, we lose the charm of discovering and freedom of exploring. There is a reluctance to follow a rule and approach set by someone else. It is worthwhile to recollect from our own experience of making notes on a topic and explaining it to someone else. The more we explain, the more we understand.


How to get engaged and remain connected

The effectiveness of education depends on how far the students get engaged in the process and build up their preferred methods of learning.

To engage students, the learning process, its benefits and practical implications must be made known to students. The student must have the freedom to choose the internal thought process to understand the topic.

Learning a topic must make the student think beyond. This is possible by creating an encouraging environment for discussion and reflection.


Jojo Mathew

CEO, Edugraff



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