Online Tutoring: A Complete Guide To Everything Parents And Schools Should Know Before They Start

Online Tutoring: A Complete Guide To Everything Parents And Schools Should Know Before They Start

Starting school is one of the most profound life changing moments in any child’s life. As they get out of the comfort and safety of their homes out into the real world, there are many things parents can do to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible. With the present pandemic scenario prevalent worldwide, online tutoring has gained popularity among parents who wish to ensure a safe and convenient mode of learning for their children. Unlike traditional schooling, online tutoring requires a different approach and understanding from parents and students alike. In this article, let us explore everything that parents need to know before they start online tutoring for their ward.

What is online tutoring?

Online tutoring is one to one teaching that takes place between the tutor and the pupil through electronic means in real time. With the help of internet connectivity, a working device like a PC, laptop or mobile phone and a video conferencing platform like Zoom or Google Meet, a student anywhere in the world can avail the services of an online tutor for the subject of his or her choice. Online tutoring is different from online classes as the tutor is present in front of the student in real time and teaches the subject at the latter’s pace and convenience.


Guide to online tutoring for parents

How online tutoring is conducted

The merit of online tutoring is that it does not/need not follow a particular pattern of teaching and learning like a typical classroom. Online tutoring can be conducted in different ways according to the convenience, pace and comfort of the student and the tutor. Any of the following ways can be adopted for online tutoring:
Over a video conferencing platform like Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. through which the tutor and student can interact with audio and video.
A shared screen approach wherein the tutor can display his lessons and students can learn from it, with an added facility for asking questions through chat.
A virtual classroom environment with the tutor imparting lessons which are carefully curated to suit the student’s needs through the help of an interactive whiteboard if necessary.

Qualifications and experience of tutor

One of the main things you have to keep in mind when choosing an online tutor for your student as they start schooling for the first time would be the qualifications of the tutor and their experience in teaching that particular subject. It is vital that the tutor you select is proficient in their field of study, has gained a reputation for their online tutoring methods and can meet your child’s learning needs in the best possible manner.

Cost of tuition

Online tutoring is generally considered to be cheaper than school tuition. Nevertheless, the cost of online tutoring is a factor that parents need to consider before choosing the best online tutoring platform or tutor. Here at Edugraff, we can assure you that you will be able to find the right online tutor for your child at the price point of your preference. We are committed to serving our students’ interest above everything else and this has prompted us to onboard the best tutors you can find that makes Edugraff the best online tutoring platform in the Middle East.

Number of students

Usually online tutoring involves one to one teaching between the tutor and the student. However, certain online tutors do take classes for a small group of students as per their convenience and time. Make sure you understand beforehand the type of online tutoring you have chosen for your child, as per his/her preferences and needs.

Safety concerns

Is online tutoring safe? This is a question that boggles many parents. We at Edugraff are here to assure you that yes, online tutoring is safe and secure when you choose the best online tutoring platform out there, like us. Online tutoring gives you the ability to monitor the tutoring as it happens in real time, ensuring that your child is in a safe and comfortable online environment and provides an increased level of transparency than any other mode of teaching.

With these guidelines in your hands, you are ready to tackle the world of online tutoring for your ward. Ensure that you ask all the right questions before you select an online tutor. Or you can be rest assured that with a reputable online tutoring platform like Edugraff, your child’s development, both academic and personal, would be in safe hands.


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